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attach to的用法与搭配



1. 附着
2. 附属于,隶属于
3. 连接到
4. 依恋于,依附于
5. 附于
6. 附上
7. 贴上
8. 使依恋
9. 隶属于
10. 使隶属


    But this agreement with the us book industry which awaits court approval has stirred up the sort of passions that always attach to books those most cultural of manufactured objects .
    The image it presented was bad the source said who then added reluctantly that responsibilty for handling the crisis should attach to the president .
    Select log files to attach to the server status report .
    Attributions are the reasons we attach to our own and other 's behaviour what we see as its cause .
    The coronaviruses take their name from their crown ( corona ) of surface proteins which are used to attach to and penetrate their host cells .
    Attach to target hero or ally .
    Select a process to attach to .
    Try to reframe the situation ; put it in the best possible light : often events are only negative because of the meaning we attach to them .
    But one of the problems is that a drug that latches on to one of these receptors might also attach to a closely related one which can trigger unwanted side effects .
    Everyday more computers attach to the existing networks and every new computer adds to the user base - at least twenty seven million people are interconnected today .

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